

Our Operations Management Team has over 100 years of experience in the collection and call center industry and our staff are trained to understand our clients customers and the challenges associated with our evolving economy. Our staff knowledge extends to helping consumers achieve the financial solutions that are available in today's markets based on the needs of both the consumer and our client.

Our goal as collection specialists is to create a financial profile of the consumer and then to guide the consumer to the best possible arrangement based on their real situation. Our Staff has extensive experience collecting a variety of account types including: B2B, Home & Auto Finance, Retail & Private Label Credit Cards, Secured and Unsecured Loans, Deficiency Financing Debts, Rental Properties, Insurance, Government Debts and Payday Loans.



In addition although we recognize that the vast majority of consumers are honest and hard working and have full intentions to rectify their indebtedness, we also understand that in some cases litigation through small claims court may be a viable option for our clients and as such Veritas Alliance Incorporated employs on staff paralegals as well as the services of paralegal companies for out of town cases that may require representation.